Survey regarding access to devices and internet

The Ministry of Education are investigating the possibility of supplying devices for those tamariki who may be having difficulty accessing devices and/or the internet.  They are hoping to work towards getting this sorted for the start of Term 2 which begins on Wednesday 15 April.  The parameters around this are still unclear, but we thought that we would send out a survey to see who from our community may benefit from this. If your tamariki do have access to the internet and devices, there is no need to complete the survey.

If your tamariki do not have access to devices and/or the internet please click on the link below to view the survey.   Please complete and submit the survey by 5pm this Wednesday 1 April.  It should only take 3 minutes to complete.

Learning at Home Details

This is the link to our site for learning ideas, resources, and activities during school closure.
There is a wide range of activities and resources for you to pick and choose from, and to do as much or as little as you can. Teachers are available for questions and work feedback for the rest of this week.  During the holidays (starting Monday 30 March), students may, of course, wish to do some of these activities, however, work may not be marked until the start of Term 2.
Ngā mihi

Royal Oak Primary

Three Way Conferences due to take place next week : Redesigned

Three Way Conferences due to take place next week : Redesigned


Kia ora koutou,

This email is to inform you that we have made the difficult decision to redesign how we deliver the three way conferences next week. Due to the current emphasis on social distancing, we will be sharing the goal setting information online.

The tamariki and kaiako have been preparing for the conferences that were scheduled for next week. This information will now be shared online with you in the last week of Term 1.

Therefore we will not be holding face to face conferences next week, these have been cancelled.

Thank you, once again, for your understanding and flexibility, it is very much appreciated.

Kia kaha


Ngā mihi nui


Health and Safety Reminders

Kia ora koutou,

It is so important that we continue to follow the guidelines regarding health and hygiene:

– You must keep your child at home if he/she is unwell, even if your think it is just a cold. This includes fever, sore throat, dry cough, or runny nose.
– If your child becomes unwell at school, you will be asked to collect them.
– It is sensible to have a plan for who is going to look after your child/children if they are unwell, keeping in mind that elderly relatives may not be suitable as they are susceptible to infections.
– Keep up the regular handwashing routines.
– Sneeze/cough into your elbow.
– Avoid physical contact, including hugs, handshakes, kisses and hongi.

Also, please note that we will not be having School Assemblies until further notice.

Thank you for your on-going understanding and support.

Ngā mihi nui
