Parent Group

2024 Parent Group Meeting Dates – 7:00pm School Staffroom

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 03 July 2024 at 7pm in the school staffroom.

Parent Group meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. They begin at 7pm and are held in the schools staffroom. You are all welcome to come along. It is a great way to meet other parents from our wonderful community.

Parents’ Group Executive

Chairperson           –          Libby Jackson

Vice Chair              –          Richard Taaffe

Secretary               –          Kathryn Simpson

Treasurer               –          Rhee Klink

Communications   –        Terese Rika

Sponsorships         –        Susanne Modhawadia

We have a fabulous Parent Group here at Royal Oak Primary.  Through some great initiatives we aim to build a sense of community and connection within the families at school; through fun events like the Family Movie Night, the parents only Quiz Night and the end of year School Picnic.  Alongside this we endeavor to support the school through some great fundraising events like our annual Carnival, the School Disco, After School Cafes and the fabulous child designed calendars ,notebooks and diaries.

We are always interested in new ideas from parents whether it’s a new way to create community and connection or a new fundraising idea.  Already we have had some great new suggestions from parents, so make sure you read the Parent Group newsletter when it comes out once a term, or come along to the parent group catch ups which happen once a month on the first Wednesday night, to keep up to date.

If you would like to join in and help us plan and run any of our upcoming events please contact us.  We can always use more willing hands and love to meet new people!  Just email us at or drop off your details at the school office and we will be in touch.  Also join our mailing list by sending us your email address to the parent group email.

We appreciate all your support and look forward to working with you to help make school an amazing journey for your children and your family.


Parent Group Notices